We gamify anything & everything!

Starting with creating hands-on kits, board games, card games, and engaging products, integrating them with interactive learning scenarios for 4 year olds, all the way to hosting gamified fun corporate trainings for Adults.
Dream Making Steps

Step 1
Dream your product up

Step 2
Contact us

Step 3
Lets discuss your Dreams

Step 4
Initial Prototype whipped up

Step 5
Feedback & Adjustments

Step 6
Dream Product is ready & delivered
And remember… If you can dream it, we can make it!
All you need to do is: Reach out.

Corporate trainings shouldn’t be something employees dread, it should be a fun unique experience they look forward to. This is what Jaykerz does, taking your set objective and coming up with a gamified training program, that’ll help you reach your objective with a much higher success rate & much happier employees.

Designed, produced, and tested in just 3 months

Technology Themes

Executed all within a requested budget

Transforming a theoretical training program from static objectives, to dynamic running around fun games & activities that better serve the purpose of the program!
The Life Skills Program was created in accordance to set objectives to be received by underprivileged teenagers.

48 hrs of learning content

+30 Game & Activity

13-18 years old

Nahdet Masr Teacher Assisting Kits
A gift for teachers that’ll make their life in the classroom much easier: teacher assisting kits with clear manuals on where each point can be found in the curriculum.

Made for Teachers

5000 Total produced Kits